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Cake2theRescue: cakes and happiness delivery, with love

Cake to the rescue ecommerce site built with efficiency and love image of 4 hands holding devices showing range of cakes

One of our favourite clients, websites and community creators is cake store and ecommerce business, Cake2theRescue. A website built with love to create a business that works for its busy and creative owner, Lou Duggan, it is a complex combination of requirements that fit together like a swiss watch. It’s built on a robust wordpress…

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LoveAndWest: Vintage linens and a shopify sales machine

Love And West vintage linen homewares shopify site photo of homewares brand home page cushions on couch

Love And West is a homewares brand that sell beautiful handmade homewares and accessories from original vintage linens. Why Shopify? We chose Shopify as the platform from which to sell these lovely one-off items, because it offers an easy ‘pick and mix’ build system that is 100% devoted to making eCommerce easy. With simple integration…

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