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Chief Executive Women site

Chief Executive Women site

I’ve worked with Chief Executive Women since 2016 when I was asked to redesign their site. A small team and a not-for-profit, they were having difficulty reigning together the various branches of their core service in a coherent way. A membership, advocacy and scholarships organisation, their core ethos of Women Leaders Enabling Women Leaders has…

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Don’t let your site go downhill

Update your site or watch it go downhill fast

The great thing about a WordPress site is that, because it’s ‘Open Source’ anyone can build a new plugin that can do everything short of making you a cup of tea. ‘Open source’ means that the software framework that supports WordPress is openly available code, so anyone can contribute to the way it works. This…

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Shipping Australia – taking care of freight business

Shipping Australia client care plan

Across the globe, there are border closures and access restrictions. With changes happening so fast, Shipping Australia, the peak industry body for shipping within Australia, needs a site that runs well, experiences no down time, is user friendly and easy to update. Love Communications has been managing the maintenance and updates of this critical site…

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Website care plans: putting on your oxygen mask

Client care plans means protecting yourself

You’ve launched your site and the next step is making sure you stay safe during the journey. Like any piece of equipment, the structure that supports your site requires maintenance to work properly. It’s like maintaining a car to ensure it starts every time. The same is true for your website – it should always…

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