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Why you need Video on site and social

Love Communications video

Video content in your digital marketing strategy gives you audience reach and SEO advantage you don’t get with text, links or photos alone. You need video content on your site because….. It’s disruptive – still not widely in use, it’s mostly the domain of big companies with big budgets – start your video strategy and…

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YouTube captioning for SEO and access

Love Communications Captioning

Using video on your site is great for SEO – users are proven to be more engaged with good video content, creating longer visit times, a higher possibility of sharing and, if you’re the star, building trust. Captioning is also important for screen readers, which provide access for differently sighted users. YouTube is the 2nd…

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OSMO review

Love Communications OSMO review

Love Communications bought an OSMO 2 recently for a BBC World documentary examining the Hawaiian Homelessness crisis. The 10 minutes I’d spent, playing with a colleague’s in the corridors of SBS had me hooked. When the steady cam rig, with its upper body harness and robot arm was introduced in 1975 it revolutionised the tracking…

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Dani Valent’s Thermomix Restaurant Club

Dani Valent Thermomix Restaurant Club

In filming an event that is dynamic and multi faceted, teamwork helps. Synchronising with the kitchen ensured we did not miss any of the food as it came out. The wait staff are an key part of the movement and colour and were very helpful when we needed the crucial shot of the plate arriving…

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Westfield Induction


Love Communications has worked with Westfield doing Occupational Health and Safety videos for many years. They are continuously updated as regulations change and as corporate branding is refreshed. They way they are delivered in those years has changed as well. When we started we were authoring them to multi chapter DVD and copies sent out…

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Sharks. BBC World

BBC World documentary sharks

This BBC Our World documentary was shot by Nick Lazaredes on the beautiful north coast of NSW, and edited by Love Communications at home in Sydney. Ample pretty pictures of beaches and beach life, but not a lot of sharks. The shark attack footage came from a South African photographer who specialises in baiting. He…

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Hawaii homelessness

Love Communications hawaii

Love Communications was recently commissioned to produce/shoot and edit a story for BBC World with journalist Nick Lazaredes. The 30+ minute documentary focused on the homeless situation in Hawaii, whose communities and politicians are producing some new and unique solutions for this crisis. On this shoot, it was important to be able to move quickly…

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Susan Norrie’s Dissent

Susan Norrie Dissent

Our collaboration with Australian artist, Susan Norrie, dates back to 2011 with Transit which was commissioned for the Yokohama Trienniale and recently purchased by the MCA and Tate Modern in London. Her work intersects global environment politics with our relationship to the natural and human constructed environment. Dissent, (2012) was a work in response to…

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Are you web ready?

Love Communications Web Ready illustration

You’ve worked hard to get your business up and running now need a strong, authentic public profile – a website that will generate business, consolidate networks and build relationships. Before embarking on the build or engaging a site designer, map out your site. Apart from giving your clients information about you: your mission, vision, services…

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